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GSHS Top In State for College & Career Readiness

For the 2021-2022 school year Gulf Shores High School was ranked 5th in the state for College/Career Readiness with 97.1% of students meeting the requirements established by the state. Although the ranking for this year's graduating class will not be known until December, the school had 99.4% of students meeting requirements. For over 10 years the state board of education has listed accomplishments that are meant to show students are ready to take college classes, go straight into the workplace, or join the military.

Alabama considers a student is college/career ready if they graduate having attained one or more of the following accomplishments:

  • Be accepted into the military prior to graduation

  • Complete a high school career/technical program

  • Earn a career / technical credential recognized by industry

  • Complete an in-school youth apprenticeship program

  • Earn silver or gold status on the ACT WorkKeys exam

  • Earn college credit while in high school

  • Receive a qualifying score of four or higher on the International Baccalaureate exam

  • Receive a qualifying score of 3 or higher on an advanced placement exam

  • Receive a benchmark score on the ACT exam.

According to Jessica Sampley, Academies and Career Tech Director of Gulf Shores City School, “Our administration takes the college and career readiness criteria very seriously and it is a major component of our strategic plan for the school and the district. It’s the job of our administrators and faculty to prepare these graduates for success whether it be the successful entry into the workforce, military, or college”.


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